Rebranding - the why, when and how (plus how mullets were invented)

Knowing when to rebrand is kind of like knowing when to get a haircut- you either notice people looking at you weirdly or not at all, you can’t make it look the way it once did when it was fresh and , most importantly, it just doesn’t quite fit with the life you now lead. Sure the man-bun looked great when you were going through that Yogi School phase during the Bali sabbatical, but you are a Commercial Insurance Associate now Trevor! That topknot does not pair well with chinos.

So when should I rebrand? Great question reader- thanks for asking and bringing us back to the intent of this rambling whilst at the same time responding to algorithmic tricks required by generic SEO content proponents.

If you find yourself in one of the following scenarios, you may need a rebrand:

You’ve changed the way you see your customers, industry, products or the world as a whole.

No longer just selling inflatable pool bananas but expanded out to a range of air blown products? You may want to think about better fitting your brand to your airy aspirations.

You’ve changed in a chronological sense.

Face it- you are old. Time, gravity and culture catch up with the best of us- have you seen Lindsay Lohan and Macaulay Culkin? So why not squeeze some more juice out of the old lemon by ripping out the lemon tree and planting a new, shiny one there instead. It doesn’t mean you need to completely overdo things and buy an electric scooter and start up a Tik Tok, but it may require a new outfit and learning a few new words.

You’ve changed the way you see yourself.

You went away for a retreat, climbed a mountain and realised you don’t believe in anything anymore. Perfect! This isn’t just an existential crisis but the perfect time to do the work, put your brand in therapy and get strategic about who you are, what you are for and how you show up in the world.

You’ve changed your relationship status

You’ve hooked up, got down to business and put a ring on it in a legally binding commercial sense. A new business identity from the merger of two previous single entities is a beautiful thing (well it’s better than those people who marry bridges). This is a great moment to ditch the hyphenated name and create a fun new one. Why go with Catherine and David Ferris-Melch when you could be Mr and Mrs Femelch?!

Once you’ve realised you need to rebrand, you’ll need to prepare. This project most likely won’t happen quickly and will require the support and contribution of your leadership team as ultimately, it’s all about change.

Change is really the driving theme behind a rebrand. From how you think and talk about yourself, to what you look like and where you show up. Even how you bring your people and customers along for the ride. If you feel like you are about to enter a season of change, or just really believe you need to force one, then a rebrand is probably right for you.

One word of advice, and to round out our haircut analogy from the begging: please don’t leave the process of cutting and restyling your metaphorical locks to one of those shopping mall hairdressers who you saw running a “$10 Cutz Wedznesday” deal on socials.

You want to trust your new look to professional brand stylists, someone who will shampoo and condition your strategy, give you a cut that suits your face and isn’t afraid to use a bit of product to style the finished work. But please, whatever you do, don’t buy a set of clippers from the supermarket and do it yourself…that’s how mullets were invented.


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